
Shields Guard 2023 S.3 DDoS Observation Report

Hello, dear readers! As Shields Guard, your next-generation DDoS protection and Waf solution provider, we are proud to present the DDoS threats we observed in 2023.

Trend in the Increase of DDoS Attacks

According to Shields Guard’s observations, interest in DDoS attacks has been increasing in recent years. In 2023, these attacks particularly stood out with a significant increase in Application-Layer DDoS attacks.

Global DDoS Threat Landscape

In 2023, DDoS attacks became even more sophisticated. Among the most commonly observed attack methods are HTTP/2 based DDoS attacks. Specifically, the number of campaigns conducted using methods like the HTTP/2 Flood Reset attack has increased.

Sources and Targets of Attacks

DDoS attacks often originate from specific regions or countries. In 2023, among the major sources of HTTP DDoS attacks were Singapore, China, and India; while the most active source countries for L4 DDoS attacks were observed as Russia, China, and the USA.

Regarding the industries targeted by the attacks, especially the Entertainment, Health, and Finance sectors were among the most targeted.

Regional Distribution

When examining DDoS attacks regionally, Asian countries stand out. Especially the Telecommunication and Finance sectors were the main targets of attacks in this region.

Shields Guard’s Recommendation

As Shields Guard, we want to emphasize once again the importance of protecting against DDoS attacks. This report shows that attacks are constantly evolving and new threats are emerging. Therefore, we recommend keeping your protection measures continuously updated and working with a reliable protection provider like Shields Guard.

Shields Guard 2023 S.3 DDoS Observation Report: A Broad Perspective

Digital transformation, while simplifying our lives, also brings with it certain risks. At the forefront of these risks are cyber-attacks. In recent years, DDoS attacks have become one of the biggest threats faced by organizations and individuals. Shields Guard’s 2023 DDoS Threat Intelligence Report provides in-depth information on these attacks, revealing industry developments and trends. In this article, we offer a more illuminating perspective by addressing the findings of the report and the latest trends in the cybersecurity world.

Evolution of DDoS Attacks

With technological advancements, DDoS attacks are evolving. Previously targeting only certain organizations and large-scale businesses, these attacks now also pose a serious threat to small and medium-sized businesses. Innovative attack vectors allow attackers to choose targets from a wider range.

Cost of 2023 DDoS Attacks

As stated in the Shields Guard report, the cost of DDoS attacks in 2023 reached billions of dollars. This cost includes not only revenue losses from service interruptions but also damage to brand reputation, customer losses, and subsequent investments.

Proactive Strategies Against DDoS Attacks

While it is almost impossible to completely prevent DDoS attacks, it is crucial to develop proactive strategies against them. Continuous monitoring of your network can help detect a potential attack early on. Also, using cloud-based DDoS protection services can mitigate the effects of an attack.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future Today

In our digital world, cybersecurity has become more important than ever. Organizations need to be aware of threats like DDoS attacks and be prepared for potential risks. Adopting not just reactive but proactive strategies is the key to building a more resilient structure against such threats. Shields Guard continues to guide in this field with its leadership in cybersecurity and offers the most up-to-date protection solutions.

This article is based on the 2023 S.3 DDoS Observation Report prepared by the Shields Guard Research and Analysis Team and aims to provide a comprehensive view of the industry.